Great Day at Uplift North Hills

A rather awesome and totally packed day at Uplift North Hills. Take notice, world – writers are headed your way.  11148699_741129692666389_8382970040902590967_n

The 30-minute writing sessions gave students a chance to experience the writing process and discuss its joys and challenges. You know, those great days when “your hand moves of its own accord,” as a 7th grader commented. Then again, we all have those other moments, where that inner voice criticizes every key or penstroke. Quieting that voice is job #1 for the writer. Job #2 is pretty simple. “Keep the pen moving.” That’s all a writer tries to do on a first draft. A writer keeps the pen moving.

Want to be a writer? Well, those are your first two jobs. Done those? Then practice is possible. 15 minutes every day will get you started. Where will it take you? Why don’t you find out?

Go, and do not delay.

